
A large demand for mobile jammers

A large demand for mobile jammers

When the reporter into the Pacific Ocean in the security market, it looks like a lot of small shops, but rarely sell mobile phone signal jammers. CCTV can be later films, they clean up the market. Or, we can say that some of the companies is our secret.
Security markets in the Pacific 2B, store, mainly selling mobile phone jammers. Several different models of mobile phone jammer are placed in the most important place to counter the reckless ärimeest.Kolm 20-year sales staff to identify the specific parameters of different types of machines with great enthusiasm. The smallest handheld is 0.5 W, shielded within two to three meters, one of the largest handheld 1W and shielding radius of 15 m, the smallest you can buy is 120 yuan per unit, the largest of 650 yuan per unit. "In addition, the reporter found several odd shape cell phone jammers, and set-top boxes and some wires inserted above masin.Müügitöötajad told reporters that they have more power than 10W. Cheaper is only $ 200.
Reporter visited a number of stores, the product is very sarnane.Poepidajad do not mind, and the introduction of products for a particular purpose. However, when they talk about producers, they told reporters that there is a great demand for the product on the market. But reporters also get them directly from the factory infot.Toodete. 0.5W empty core wholesale prices 120-180 yuan to 800 yuan price of products 1W. In fact, the mainland and overseas, has a large demand for these products. 1W example, it can be sold, the price of 1,800 yuan.
According to the business card shop, the reporter log on the company's website. They have a lot of products, such as cellular jammers, gps jammer, power steering, full-frequency signal jammers and jamming signals. The company has a high-volume production. They said, no jamming devices. Later, the reporter visited the market with similar security, also found a large number of stores, sales-related equipment on the market.

