
The Shopping shows: What signal jammers?

The Shopping shows: What signal jammers?

Signal interference is a small tool that is used to interrupt or interfere with the radio signal. It is often used to receive and transmit signals, disrupt the cellular phone. They are usually wireless and off the phone, and can be used anywhere. It can also be used for the development and manufacture of corresponding results jammers interfere with wireless LAN or WL AN: interference with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth wireless video jammer, etc.. Signal jammers, high technology and advanced can also insist on the satellite.

Signal interference, there will be some problems, interfere with other electronic devices is in good condition. Jammer and regulated by the government, usually designed to jam mobile telephone communication lines. Damage the receiving end of the cell phone jammer, because it is directly interfere with the phone and the base station itself. It has a relatively low electromagnetic waves, and therefore it has no known damage to the human body and the mobile phone itself. If the interference is high, and the signal station outside the health consequences might be.

Signal jammers cell phone signal may be the most common interference. The interference signal interference and prevent mobile phone from the base station of the received signal, blocking radio waves. Most signal jammers cellular phone base works within 10 meters to 1 km. However, they can effectively prevent the station signal from the outside, which is different from the base station and the position of all GSM and CDMA mobile phone signal.

Another common signals interfere with the gps jammer. These jammers usually used for military purposes, to confuse the GPS. Similarly, it is not as home monitoring system. Civil use jammers to hide or conceal his seat on the circumstances of his car, he should be followed by the GPS receiver. A GPS jammers usually include civilians meters to 10 meters.

Bluetooth interference is usually associated with functional impairment, Wi-Fi signal jammers and video coverage. It works is to interfere with or disable the wireless LAN, Bluetooth devices, and the intimacy of video transmission.

A simple jammers cell phone signal typically spend about $ 33-122. GPS jammers at 99 $ 1.4 495. Price from $ 199 Wi-Fi, Bluetooth interference, while the wifi jammer and video from the $ 295 price is relatively small gadget added to its popularity and reused.

If you decide to buy this gadget, be aware that they use is the main body of laws and regulations.

